tubs & lids
Any whole Polypropylene (PP, #5), High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE, #2), and/or Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE, #4), container generated through a positive sort from curbside, drop-off or other public or private recycling collection program. Tubs are containers that have a neck or mouth similar in size to its base. Lids are caps that have a fastening feature other than threads. Examples include: yogurt cups, margarine tubs, ice cream tubs, cold drink cups.
Source: Post-Consumer material generated from a curbside, drop off, or other public or private recycling collection program.
Contamination: Total contaminants should not exceed 10% by weight.
The following levels of contamination are allowed: 2% maximum acceptable
Injection-molded HDPE #2
PET #1
Any plastic containers or packaging including PET #1, PVC #3, PS #6, Other #7
Liquid or other residues
The following contaminants are not allowed at any level (zero percent allowed)
Any plastic bags, sheets, or film
Wood, glass, electronics scrap
Oils, grease, rocks, mud, dirt
Containers which held flammable, corrosive or reactive products, pesticides or herbicides
Medical and hazardous waste
Products with degradable additives