Any large rigid High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE, #2) and/or Polypropylene (PP, #5) plastic bulky item, created through a positive sort from curbside, drop-off or other public or private recycling collection program. Examples include: crates, buckets, totes, baskets, and lawn furniture. Metal such as axels and bolts should be removed. Buckets/pails with metal handles can be included.
Source: Post-Consumer material created from a positive sort from a curbside, drop-off, or other public or private recycling collection program.
Contamination: This bale should not contain mixed #1-7 bottles or containers, toys with metal, drums, jugs (either HMW or 55 gallons), or Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC, #3).
Total allowed - 15% by weight.
Any plastic items or packaging including PET #1, PVC #3, PS #6, Other #7 (4% maximum acceptable)
Metal (2% maximum acceptable)
Liquid/other residues (2% maximum acceptable)
Wood (2% max)
Paper/cardboard (2% maximum acceptable)
Any plastic bags, sheets or film (2% max)
Glass (2% max)
The following items are not allowed at any level:
Oils, grease, rocks, mud, dirt
PS Foam and any other types of foam
Medical and Hazardous waste
Products with degradable additives
Containers which held flammable, corrosive or reactive products, pesticides or herbicides
Electronics scrap and items with circuit boards or battery packs