Any whole, blow-molded, High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE, #2) containing the ASTM D7611 "#2 HDPE" resin identification code that is unpigmented, and was generated from a curbside, drop-off or public or private collection program. All bottles should be free of contents or free-flowing liquids and rinsed.
Product: Bottles only
Source: Post-Consumer material
Contamination: Total contaminants should not exceed the percentages, by weight, as defined by the HDPE bale grade. HDPE Bale Grade A: >95% total HDPE fraction by weight with only 5% contaminants allowed. HDPE Bale Grade B: 94%-85% total HDPE fraction by weight with only 6%-15% contaminants allowed. HDPE Bale Grade C: 84%-80% total HDPE fraction by weight with only 16%-20% contaminants allowed.
Including closures (caps, lids, and rings) on bottles is acceptable. Removal of closures is also acceptable. No more than 2% of the following individual items are allowed:
Non-dairy pigmented HDPE bottles
Paper or cardboard
Any other non-HDPE rigid plastic container
Liquid residues
Packaging, including PET #1 and LDPE #4
PP #5, PS #6, and Other #7
Injection-molded HDPE based cups, tubs, other wide-mouthed containers or non-bottle HDPE materials
The following contaminants are not allowed at any level:
Bulky Rigids
Any plastics with PLA or Forming Agents
Wood, glass, oils, grease
Rocks, Stones, Mud, Dirt
Medical and Hazardous waste
Any plastic bags or film from any resin PVC in any form