Located in the Golden State, Green Evolution Recycling is a premier independent holistic management company for all of your recycling needs. For businesses big and small, individuals, the private sector, the public sector, or any part of the world, Green Evolution Recycling is dedicated to providing the most cost-saving and efficient waste and material solutions.

Why Choose Us?
100+ years of collective experience
in recycling management
Dedicated to customer satisfaction and loyalty in moving product during any time
Global expertise in the logistics of all recyclable materials in various markets
Emphasis on creating effective zero-waste solutions for our customers
Green Evolution Recycling is equipped to serve you whether you are an individual recycler or a business (big or small), and we are available to pick up, receive, and ship your materials.
Complete brokerage services
Full-service traffic department
Company-owned collection equipment
Certified weighmasters and scales


WE strive for a greener world in which recyclable materials generated from waste streams both commercial and municipal can be properly recycled. Therefore, we have developed safe and reliable marketing channels with end-users to recycle waste materials into reusable products that can benefit society, while maintaining strict environmental controls​
OUR goal is to share our knowledge in this field of recycling to help industry, municipalities, and individuals to develop marketing channels for the safe handling of our waste-stream to identify the goods that can be recycled properly and market the recyclable commodities to get maximum value from end-users who are properly licensed to use the recyclable goods.
WE can help improve the efficiency of identifying, collecting, processing and recycling of the recyclable goods to reach the proper markets to benefit everyone with both financial gains for the goods while facilitating a positive supply and demand market for the recyclable goods.
how it works
partnerships with businesses
partnerships with businesses
We provide management and logistical support by moving or housing recyclable materials.
direct transactions at green evolution's center
direct transactions at green evolution's center
We collect recyclable materials at top market pricing at our center.
world-class export networking
world-class export networking
Our expert staff ships these materials across the globe for manufacturing.
contributing to the recycling chain for everyday material
contributing to the recycling chain for everyday material
Your recycled materials become everyday objects in order to help prevent waste and save the environment.
are you ready to work with us?
are you ready to work with us?
We look forward to working with you whether you are a business or individual recycler.